Lise Lefaucheux Artist Profile
Lise Lefaucheux is a 24 years old french self-taught artist based in Normandie, France.
In France, she grew up in her parents' farm where she developed her love for nature and explored her creativity.
She discovered painting during highschool. Each painting made her experience a very intense and intuitive state of being in the moment.
After getting her degree in management in Paris, she moved to Portugal where she worked, learned the language, and kept painting a lot. She painted a family portrait that became the starting point of her project : providing original, handmade, durable, and touching paintings as gifts for people's family and friends.
She attended an advanced painting class with Martinho Costa in Nextart School of art in Lisbon.
Today she is back in her home country and her roots in the french beautiful countryside.
Oil Paintings :
20x20cm : 39€
30x40cm : 90€
40x50cm : 120€
Watercolor paintings on Hahnemühle Bamboo paper :
15x20cm : 27€
20x30cm : 56€
30x40cm : 85€
Oil paintings on Newspaper :
A4 : 50€
A3 : 80€
A2 : 119€
- Location
- Lisbon, Portugal
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